Russian Weather

Hello! My name is Sasha and i would like to tell you about Russian weather. Russian weather very different. winter in our country very could. At the moment we have a temperature -5с. Summer we have don't hot. My favorite summer temperature is +27 degrees. I love this because it is you can go to the sea or lake. On the stree not very cold and don't very hot. I very like summer but I like winter too. Winter all people wear ski suits, coats and jackets. If going outside you forgot something gloves your hands will freeze very. Ice on the streets, all the people fall and get injured.Very nice winter winter you go home at night and on the street frost, white snow is falling and Christmas trees all dressed in white blanket. Very nice in Russia-winter and summer. Come to us and you will see our Russian beauty.I Think,that you will use my advice. Thank you!