
Showing posts from October, 2014

Task 3

Anastasia Alexandra Diana Svetlana Devid

Task 2

I would like to tall you about our live. Our life is not boring, becouse everybody has hobbies such a drawing, singing and so on. My friend has a very strange hobby. He has a ufo hunter club. they interview witneses and analyse videos and photos. Sometimes they go out a UFO "hotspot". It is very captivating. If you want to take up ufo hunting , some advice: You need to be enthsiastic and patient. You also need to join a local ufo clab. You should learn how to use camcorders, cameras and teliscope. Correct all the mistakes .


Hello!I would like to tell you about different jobs.Some of there jobs are hard and some are rather  easy.I'd like to tell ,some words about are of the hardest jobs - a smokejumper. Smokejumpers are elite firefighters who risk their lives fighting  forest fires in remote areas. Despite these dangerous and risk moments they train all the time and they always trying to improve there skills.


Ba_kpa_k, Fl_ght atten_ant, Pa_ded, Rob_t bu_lding, Pl_net, J_bs, Ca_hier, Profe_ _ion, Ca_h, E_rn, of_er, Freed_v_ng, Cha_pion, s_rf_ce, B_rk, Pro_ect, Im_rove, P_actical, No_-pro_it, Co_serve, P_ragliding, J_dge, Ar_ist, H_lm_t, Smok_j_mper, Mil_tary pl_ne, R_ _ftop, Br_vely,Ava_lable, C_erk.