Topic(Module 3)
So,In our life we have a problems every day.In our world a lot of global problems hunger,racism,crime,war,poverty and homeless.Every day you can see a great numbers of homeless people.Sam Browne carring a sleeping bag and wearing scruffy clothes.His eyes were red and puffy,his skin pale and his hair was frizzy.All people say them,that "You should just get a job"But they can't,because they din't have adress and ID.One day as a homeless person has thought me,how much they need our help!
Moreover,What would you do if you had free mounts to do whatever you wanted?My friend wanted to be volunteer.Thousands of street children live in appalling poverty and he'd spend part of this summer helping these children in whatever way he could.Mithc would join a volunteer group that tought basic skills such as hygiene,liberacy,English and business skills in a makeshift school.I think that he does useful serious work for our world.Also we have importnant and useful festival for all people.This is Glastonbary festival.Glastonbury isn't just famous for music and mud!It's also about promoting green issues and freedom of expression,principles which the festival organisers have never left behing.I think that such festivals pull together big number of people.Also,I think that people can do festivals in the help of deforestation.Because deforestation occurs when people cut down whole forests of thees.And I can give you some advice,How can we help to fight deforestation.
1.TAke part in tree-planting days to replace some of the lost trees.
2.Recycle paper and buy recycled paper products such as notepads.
All in all I want to say you that we need doing the right things and to help each others.

Moreover,What would you do if you had free mounts to do whatever you wanted?My friend wanted to be volunteer.Thousands of street children live in appalling poverty and he'd spend part of this summer helping these children in whatever way he could.Mithc would join a volunteer group that tought basic skills such as hygiene,liberacy,English and business skills in a makeshift school.I think that he does useful serious work for our world.Also we have importnant and useful festival for all people.This is Glastonbary festival.Glastonbury isn't just famous for music and mud!It's also about promoting green issues and freedom of expression,principles which the festival organisers have never left behing.I think that such festivals pull together big number of people.Also,I think that people can do festivals in the help of deforestation.Because deforestation occurs when people cut down whole forests of thees.And I can give you some advice,How can we help to fight deforestation.
1.TAke part in tree-planting days to replace some of the lost trees.
2.Recycle paper and buy recycled paper products such as notepads.
All in all I want to say you that we need doing the right things and to help each others.
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