Topic-Module 2

Right now in our world we have a lot of different interesting facts about some things in environment like the deadliest place on earth,pushing the limits,work with shark  and so on.And I would like to tell you about this is extreme facts.

Firstly about the deadliest place on earth.In mexico placed very dangerous and curious place "giant crystal cave".this place named "deadliest place on earth" because of extremely high temperature and because of sharpness of crystals.And who knows what other wonders lie hidden deep inside the Earth?

Moreover  some people have a extraordinary lifestyles like Stuart Cove.Stuart works with sharks. He has captured and manipulated sharks into various scenes.

 What do you know about modern food? Many people prefer  to have for lunch of insects.Some food scientists are hoping that insects will become a common sight at our dinner tables at the future. The idea of eating insects certainly isn't new or unusual. What's more, insects are eaten today in four fifths of countries around the world.

If you like my story about extreme facts ,you can visit some places and get a lot of emotions and  to learn what to have animals for breakfast a lunch and a dinner and to feel an extreme on yourself.


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