A report

From: Alexandra Shavrina
To:Director of children's hospital
Date: 16th November

I'm writing this to tell you ways of making the  children's hospital.And I think that choldren's hospital better building in Aberystwyth,Welsh.

First of all hospital has to be in small quite city,like Aberystwyth.Aberystwyth – the administrative center and the resort in the west of Wales located in the place of confluence of Istuit and Reydol.I would recommend that the city be redecorated in a modern style.When children will walk they can look on the wonderful view and to breath fresh air.

Secondly,in this city live a lot of friendly people who can communicate with all children in hospital.They can play in different games and find out
new anything together

Moreover,the city in not very well-know in the community.This city don't visit a lot of tourist and it is very good for children.

All in all i think that you should building children's hospital in this city.And hospital should have a very beautiful decor and a lot of games and books for all children.

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