Mobile phone

To begin with I have lost my mobile phone at the stadium watching a competition.I usually feel nervous when I lost my phone.I am afraid I am dependent on it already.
   So,I have iPhone 5S. The color of it is black. Also I usually put in a black case with different photos under it .Moreover ,my phone has a crack on the glass. Unfortunately, camera on phone is broken too.Of course my phone has a password.
   Also,it is nessessary for me because I use my phone not only to call my friends and parents and write them SMS.I also take photos and brows the Internet for information and visit social networking sites.Also,phone helps me to recognise the directions to my objective and the most important issue is that I don't  get lost wherever I go.
  Moreover,I hope that someone will find my phone.So , he can  call me (8-982-3087-143) or I can meet him anywhere,because I have a car and it's very comfortable for me.And if people find my phone I will give them money or sweets.
  All in all, I would like to tell you that we must believe in the goodness of each other.And of course people should trust each other.


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