Hometask (Michael)
Today I would like to
tell you about net english entertaiment.
Life is full of stress and anxiety and
especially in metropolitan cities situation is the worst. Everyone is busy with
his life, no time for family and himself. Every person is running behind
his hectic schedule. Entertainment can add salt in this discomfort and distasteful life. It is
the way of entertainment which keeps the life going.
First of all, I would like to tell you about amazing book "A Wrinkle in Time" . "Book was first
published in 1962. Back then, stories about smart, young females who liked
science were scarce, but author Madeline L'Engle was nothing if not a
visionary, and so was her book's main character, Meg Murry. The
glasses-wearing, science-loving girl who ends up saving her father has
captivated girls and boys alike for decades. " (Link) I am reading this book right now because she help me. Book ecnourage me to follow me dreams and never give up. When I am read this book , I'm feeling strenght , eneergy and inspiration.
Moreover, you can watch different English movies. You will relax and develop yourself, skills and education. Also, you can watch with subtitles and learn new words! However, you can listening different English songs and raise the level of English.
All in all I think that Entertaiment is a good thing in our life.
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