
1. Issue Overview- College education
"In American College, students can't have a good time management and I want to give him advice.So, I'm a student too and first of all, you should write everything you do(like making a planner ). Second step you should try to do everything according to the plan. At the end of your day, you should analyze." 
Time managment tips "Planner"  : Pick your five biggest time wasters and add up the time.And then you should just change.Get that time back. List your priorities and rank them in order of importance. 


2."A Wrinkle in Time" was first published in 1962. Back then, stories about smart, young females who liked science were scarce, but author Madeline L'Engle was nothing if not a visionary, and so was her book's main character, Meg Murry. The glasses-wearing, science-loving girl who ends up saving her father has captivated girls and boys alike for decades. 
   HowStuffWorks talked to three modern-day "Megs" to find out how they were inspired by the character to pursue real-life scientific success."
  Time managment tips " System and goals" :  If you have the goals and objectives that extremal factors can't prevent you. The main thing is to develop the right system. 
3." Industrial production managers monitor a plant’s workers. They oversee daily operations and ensure that safety standards are met. They coordinate, plan and direct the production of a wide range of goods, such as cars, computer equipment or paper products, depending on the industry.
  Important qualities for a manager:
Time-management skills. To meet production deadlines, managers must carefully manage their employees’ time as well as their own."

Time managment tips " Control your time" : Of course you should control your time and also, you should do as much as possible or less, but better


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